Saturday 30 May 2015

The Listener

The Listener

I revolved in this read. 
I am a listener. 
So much so that 
often I'm 
or not listened to.

I do spend my time 
more than
than being

However, there is a story here. 

“You know Susie, 
whenever you meet people, 
always remember 
that they were born into this world 
as innocent beautiful little babies,
 like your new niece. 
And, when you meet people 
who have had challenging lives, 
or you just can’t figure out 
what has happened 
remember that not everyone 
has the happy ending 
or the happy story. 
Life and circumstance 
does and will 
impact people 
and that it’s our job to be kind, 
to love and to see beyond what may be 
right in front of us. 
Sometimes, we will be asked 
to help them 
see the beauty of them 
that was there at birth. 
Life is an interesting place, 
and you will meet extraordinary 
people with stories 
that will impact you forever. 
Who will you be within their story?”
By Susan J. Sohn

I chose Compassion, 
I chose Love. 

What do you chose?

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