Monday 23 March 2015

Making the Most of the Week

Let's see what the next 90 days brings.

Day 11

Making the most of the week, Monday.

The "emotional roller coaster" of being unemployed.

If you have recently been laid off, you know what I refer to.

The key for weathering the process is in handling the up and downs.

Control, Confidence, Connection and Community.

Victims of an economic situation may still go through feelings of
Loss and Frustration.

The greater the connection to your work
the harder the transition maybe.

Looking for a Job is a Job...

Welcome to sales.

You are selling yourself.

What might be missing....

Money, People, Purpose, and Routine.

Money might be tight and you are possibly socializing differently.

It really helped me to visit with people last week.

Saturday, I was at a volunteer meeting.

I left feeling like I can contribute greatly there,
which will help me with my sense of purpose.

This week it's about getting back into a routine.

It's the structure and order we can miss the most.
A new routine is like an anchor.

Back to making the most out of the week.

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