Monday 16 March 2015

Games Teach

Let's see what the next 90 days brings.

Day 4

I may have to start all over with this 90 days of posting. 

Over the weekend, I forgot to press the publish button. 

Great thing is - there's an edit button for the date. :)

Today is Monday. 
It snowed a lot overnight. 

I was really liking the spring weather, so the snow, triggered a grumpy in me. 

I'm also experiencing some frustration that I'm working through. 

Last night I played a great game of Yahtzee. 

It had been so long since I played, that I needed to look up some of the rules. 

What is a Full House?? 

That was the Party Saturday night, hahaha. 

Wait - in Yahtzee it's 3 of a kind and 2 of a kind. 

I found a few things the game teaches, 
Active Listening
Paying Attention

There's 35 points to be missed out on,
if you forget to use strategy, with the top section.
However, if you get a Yahtzee,
that strategy seems less meaningful.

If you have played Yahtzee, you know what I'm talking about.

If you have not played Yahtzee, 
it's a must try - at least once.

Reminder to self: Press Publish

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