Thursday 11 June 2015

Mind Junk

Mind Junk

A lot like the 
Junk Drawer, 
it's full of stuff.
What stuff? 
Not sure. 
Needed stuff?
Some of it.
Definitely not the majority.

On one occasion, 
when I had moved,
I put the contents of the 
in a large shoe box.

It was months before 
I remembered that 
there was a box
took a look. 

I had not missed a thing. 

"When I am silent,
 I find thunder hidden inside."

Still, I took 
about 10%
of that box
and put it in another drawer. 

I've found 7 great ways 
to manage Mind Junk, 
maybe even better than 
the Junk Drawer. 

1. Nature - Sunrise, Sunset, Birds,
 Bare feet in the Grass, 
Smelling Flowers
2. Play - could be a book and might be
3. Creativity - Painting, Crafting
4. Meditation - morning and night
5. Audiobooks - fiction and non fiction, stops my own mind chatter
6. Blogging - helps me reflect and share
7. Culinary Treats - Food and Drinks - Yummy

How do you deal with your Mind Junk? 

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