Wednesday 17 June 2015



I have scars 
both inside 
and outside

some of my inside scars 
can be seen
not evident 
what they are
or where they are from

my insides
are still healing 

while they heal
they are with my senses

you can hear them
in my voice,
see them 
in my eyes,
feel them
in my touch,
taste them
on my lips
with a hint of thirst and hunger
so ready for this healing

Yet now
my skin is cooler
my balance is off
with a dull pain
the source I can not pin

and a body in orbit

1 comment:

  1. Scars make us who we are !! They are proof that we survived the battles. Let's wear them with pride.
    But if they are still wounds, and are still healing (a scar is a wound that has healed) let's tend to them so as to heal them... Wounds need to be taken care of... not continuously picked at, because then they will never heal ... :-)
