Friday 24 April 2015


Let's See Where 90 days takes us.
Day 43, Friday


"I've lived a good life."
I was told that my Dad
Said these words
Just before he died.

For years I had a hard time understanding
How it was that he felt this way.

It was my opinion
that Dad was a very simple Man.
Rarely did he do or want much,
He was not materialistic.
Other than enjoy people
And a few beers
His time was spent
tinkering in the garage.

He loved to play his guitar.
I rarely saw him unhappy.

More important than anything
He felt he had lived.

Teen inspires One Republics lived video

I thought of Dad today
While I watched the above video.

We all want to feel alive,
we all want to feel like we lived our lives.
When you add the daily challenge
of CF to the equation
and see a young man like this
- well, tears happen.

I realize,
I have a whole lot more Living
That I want to do.

Do you feel like you have lived?

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