Monday 20 April 2015

Mixed Feelings

Let's see what 90 days brings
Day 39, Monday

Mixed Feelings

Should do, want to,
can do, need to

All these and more
Creating Mixed Feelings.

Can I blame it on the Moon.
I'm not big on blaming anyone or anything, ever.
What for?

It is what it is.

New Moon in Aires, they say.
Reboot, kick start, new beginnings they say.

Am I giving up to soon?

Oh where is the rose quartz and the lemongrass oil?

You having New Moon Mixed Feelings too?

1 comment:

  1. I too am having those same Mixed Feelings Jennifer. You captured the essence of our prevailing feelings very well. I also realize the only constant in life is change and, with that thought in mind, I have solace of mind knowing that our current Mixed Feelings will not last forever as they will change with the cycles and whims of the Universe. Our key is to remain positive and keep the faith as things will settle down as they improve.
